Wednesday 26 March 2014

Let God Arise

TEXT: PSALM 18:1-19
Key verse: “The LORD also thundered in the heavens, and the Highest gave his voice; hail stones and coals of fire” (Psalm 18:13).
Thick clouds often precede the claps of thunder, and the darkest hour is before dawn. Sometimes, life’s situations might confound the saints of God like a thick cloud. Yet, and in the tunnel of life, when nothing but darkness and gloom are found, God always arises for them with His thunder to discomfit their enemies and usher in a glorious dawn.
We must admire our God with hearts full of praise and exaltation. He is the One Who has proved Himself to be the Rock upon which we stand to hack down any Goliath who would abase the holy name of our God. He is our Fortress against the Saul who would leave his bed and throne to pursue us into the wilderness. He is our Deliverer from the Absalom who would gun for our God-ordained rights and privileges; our Strength, who would energise us to vanquish the lions and bears that would devour the sheep under our care. He is our Buckler against the fiery swords and staves of the uncircumcised Philistines. God is the Horn of our salvation when our feet slip and we despoil Bathsheba and blood stains are in our hands. He is our High Tower when the combined forces of our hitherto trusted friends, Abner and Ahitophel, pursue us out of our throne into the wilderness. Indeed, God is our All in All.

Are you encompassed by the floods of ungodly men? Are you besieged by the sorrows of hell? This wonderful God arises on behalf of His saints. His concern for you makes the earth to shake and tremble. The foundations of the hills shake too.
God does all these to “draw (you) out of many waters”. Praise the Lord! You must trust and believe that God will certainly arise for you whenever sorrows and sickness become your bedmates.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: In the valley of the shadow of death, God abides with the righteous.
See video below and be bless by this song Let God Arise by Chris Tomlin.


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